Chinese Language & Culture Library
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About Us
Chinese Language & Culture Library (CLCL) features multimedia and multilingual resources on Chinese culture and language. Our library is an online digital library fitting for readers and learners of all ages, gathering eBooks and video resources in various types and genres such as readers, textbooks, lectures, interviews, documentaries and online courses. We devote ourselves to provide large amount of high quality resources in order to give the users a comprehensive understanding of Chinese language and culture.


A collection of eBooks introduce China, Chinese culture and the language. It fits for readers of various language levels (nearly half of the books are bilingual), reading purpose and interests. It contains the Classics (133 books, i.e. Ji Xianlin Series, Footprint of Chinese Opera, Bilingual Classics – Analects of Confucius, the Art of War, etc.), the Readers (170 books, i.e. Chinese Minority Series, Bilingual Firefly Picture Books, etc.) and the Learning (113 books, i.e. Fun with Chinese, HSK Mock Test, Chinese Traditional Medicine, etc.).

Language (video)

Currently it contains four sections which also refer to four Chinese Language Learning courses. The courses fit for both young and adult learners who are interested in Chinese or have requirements in everyday communication or in Business activities.
Topics: Kungfu Chinese, Rhythm Chinese, Business Chinese, Children Chinese

Culture (video)

This column gathers video resources about Chinese culture and society. The videos are classified according to their genres into three sections: Lecture, Interview and Documentary, covering various aspects including Chinese arts, customs, everyday life and so on in both ancient and modern times.

Culture Insights – China: It is a video-series online course exploring eight essential culture topics in China. Consisting of 57 micro-videos (each in about 2-5 minutes) covering the eight topics, the course intends to convey basic information concerning the topics and explore the rich connotation behind it (e.g., history, reasons for the formation and existence, and culture contrast between the east and the west). Topics: The Forbidden City, Chinese Wedding, Chinese Characters, Chinese Paper Cutting, the Evergreen Fashion, Peking Opera, Traditional Chinese Festivals, Ming-Qing Fiction.

Cultural Lectures from National Library of China: This series of lectures invited national well-known professors make a deep analysis on following topics: Architecture & Landscape, Custom & Society, Handicraft, Historical Relic, Chinese Character, Literature, Music, One Belt, Painting & Calligraphy, Traditional Opera, Traditional Medicine, etc., in which demonstrate public both overall view and individual perspective regarding China.

Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture Termbases: It constitutes the essence of what is considered the best of traditional Chinese culture. The Project has so far selected and translated into English 400 key concepts in Chinese thought and culture, based on careful research and repeated discussions by more than 70 well-known experts worldwide. The corpus includes both English and Chinese version. The Corpus will be released soon. Topics: Philosophy, History, Art & Literature.

Chinese Language & Culture Library